It’s with a heavy heart we have to announce that Operation Zodiac Croatia will be postponed until September 2021 final date TBA. All tickets will be valid for next year’s game. If for any reason you are unable to attend for 2021, please contact us at

We came to this tough decision due to a myriad of reasons, after talks with the owners of the island we decided that 2021 may be a better option in the current climate. The Covid-19 situation obviously played a large part in this decision. Being an international game we need to put together plans for everyone to come together, these players are from several countries and will have differing rules, regulations and quarantine procedures for flying or driving over-land. Logistically, we planned to take props and equipment across Europe via road and fly many players from the UK. This is more a UK issue than an issue with Croatia’s Covid-19 situation. There’s a big question mark over international travel in the coming weeks and months. We hope that postponing the event now will give many players time to organise themselves if they need to cancel or postpone travel arrangements or hotels, rather than leaving it last minute.

We did look at the risk assessment with regards to social distancing and sanitation whilst on the island including: re-arranging the camping areas, placing hand sanitizing stations at key locations, providing free PPE, having collection stations for bottle filling to reduce any cross contamination, as well as limiting players on boats etc. These could have all been workable if needed, but would have put more strain on the already complex logistics in place.

As this is a first event for this particular game series, we feel it’s better to give way to already established games that have been forced to reschedule for the end of 2020. This freeing up the calendar and making sure players can afford to attend events rather than being forced to choose one over another. We have a good track record of running events abroad, most notably the successful “Operation Medusa” series in Greece over the past 7 years. This is the first time we have been forced to postpone an event such as this.

We sincerely apologise and hope you will join us in 2021, we ask the many of those that were looking forward to attending, to take a positive from a negative; teams that were interested now have an extra year to plan to come along!

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